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Dubai driver jailed for groping female passenger

Dubai: A driver has been sentenced to three months in jail for groping a woman passenger and coercing her to film him with his phone committing a lewd act in his taxi.
The 47-year-old Pakistani driver, J.W., molested the South African woman and touched her indecently before he forced her to take photos of him committing a lewd act in December.
The Dubai Court of First Instance convicted J.W. of molesting the woman and committing an indecent act in front of her.
The accused pleaded guilty when he entered his plea in court and said: “I am sorry.”
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Presiding judge Fahd Al Shamsi said the accused will be deported after serving his jail term.
When asked what he wanted from court, he sought leniency.
Prosecutors said the accused abused the fact that the woman was seated in the passenger seat when he molested her, committed the lewd act and forced her to film him.
The 25-year-old woman testified that the incident happened shortly after the defendant picked her up from Al Rashidiya at 2pm.
“He touched me indecently. He committed a lewd act and then gave me his phone and asked me to film him. He coerced me,” the woman said.
When questioned by prosecutors, the accused confessed that he molested and coerced the South African to film him.
Records said the claimant identified the defendant at the police line up three times shortly after he was arrested.
Prosecution records cited the defendant claiming that he deleted the photos that the woman clicked before his arrest.
Wednesday’s ruling remains subject to appeal within 15 days. 

Source : Gulf News


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