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Farmer jailed for trying to open door of moving plane

Dubai: A farmer has been jailed for a year for risking an aircraft’s safety by trying to open its doors while it was taxiing before take-off.
The 27-year-old Pakistani farmer, Q.A., has been charged with endangering the lives of passengers and risking the safety of the aircraft that was bound for Karachi in the incident that happened in June.
The Dubai Court of First Instance convicted Q.A. of endangering the plane and passengers’ safety and also assaulting three crew members, who tried to restrain him.
Presiding judge Mohammad Jamal said the accused will be deported following the completion of his jail term.
A court-assigned committee of psychiatrists, who examined the defendant, found him to be mentally sane and responsible for his actions.
Q.A.’s lawyer had argued that his client suffers from a mental ailment.
The court had earlier cancelled the defendant’s bail and had him examined by the committee.
Prosecutors said the accused assaulted three crew members — a Portuguese, German and Sri Lankan — when they tried to calm him down and restrain him.
Q.A. allegedly made more than two attempts to open the aircraft’s door when it was in motion.
The Portuguese stewardess said that shortly after the captain started taxiing, the defendant unbuckled his seat belt and walked towards her.
“I asked him to remain in his seat. He refused and wanted to leave the plane without saying why… he just wanted to get out. My colleagues and I could not restrain him and he assaulted us. He pushed me and punched my colleague. Due to the seriousness of the situation, we immediately reported the matter to the captain,” she claimed.
The captain had to abort take-off and return the aircraft to its gate before the cabin crew restrained the farmer.
The defendant was taken into custody.
The German attendant testified that all their efforts to convince Q.A. to get back to his seat were in vain.
“Had he opened the door, the emergency slide door would have opened in front of the heated engine… the elastic safety slide door could have also been blown into the engine and caused a fire,” he claimed.
Tuesday’s ruling remains subject to appeal within 15 days.


  • Tên tài khoản: Nguyễn Anh Tuấn
  • Số tài khoản: 0501000058467
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