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Bahrain sends military aid to help Jordan fight ISIS

A Royal Jordanian Air Force plane takes off from an air base to strike ISIS in the Syrian city of Raqqa. (File photo: Reuters)
Bahrain will lend support to Jordan with armed forces to help in the efforts to combat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Bahrain’s News Agency reported on Sunday.
The agency said Manama would support Jordan with forces from the Bahrain Defense Forces (BDF), adding that the move was part the Gulf kingdom’s commitment to “the efforts of the International Coalition to eradicate terrorism.”
It also said the decision came in line of bilateral ties between the two countries and the “solid brotherly ties of kinship and solidarity bonding the two kingdoms throughout history.”


  • Tên tài khoản: Nguyễn Anh Tuấn
  • Số tài khoản: 0501000058467
  • Ngân hàng TMCP Ngoại thương Việt Nam (Vietcombank) - Chi nhánh Bắc Sài Gòn
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