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Israel: Missile fired from Gaza overnight lands in open area

BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) -- The Israeli army reported that a rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip overnight Friday, landing in an open area in southern Israel.
An Israeli army spokesperson told Ma'an that around 1 a.m. sirens sounded when the rocket was launched, before it landed in an open area near Eshkol.
No casualties or damage have been reported.
No group has claimed the attack, however Israeli authorities hold Hamas -- the de facto governing body of the coastal enclave -- responsible for all rocket fire from the Gaza Strip.
The rocket fire comes after seven Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces following demonstrations that erupted Friday throughout the strip.
A Hamas spokesman on Friday said that those killed were “martyrs sacrificed for God.”
Sami Abu Zuhri declared in a statement released following their deaths that the ongoing Israeli occupation was responsible for the killings.
“This blood which was shed in Gaza proves that the Gaza Strip is present in the battlefield alongside the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Jerusalem.”
Over 1,000 Palestinians have been injured since Oct. 1 across occupied Palestinian territory according to Gaza's ministry of health, and 17 have been shot and killed.
Tensions have flared across the area in a wave of stabbing attacks, increased Israeli restrictions against Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem, and what rights groups have termed "collective punishment" of Palestinians.

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  • Tên tài khoản: Nguyễn Anh Tuấn
  • Số tài khoản: 0501000058467
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