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Israeli police kill Palestinian in Jerusalem after alleged stabbing

JERUSALEM (Ma’an) -- A Palestinian teen was shot and killed by Israeli police near the Damascus gate of occupied East Jerusalem's Old City on Saturday, marking the tenth Palestinian to be killed in the last 24 hours.
The teen, identified as Ishaq Badran, 16, from Kafr Aqab, was killed after carrying out an alleged stabbing attack in the area, the latest in a series of attacks that have rocked Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory in recent days.
An Israeli police spokesperson told Ma'an that "a man was stabbed, possibly two," before Israeli security forces arrived on the scene, shooting and killing the alleged attacker.
Initial Israeli reports say the victims -- two Isrealis -- were left with light injuries.
Israeli forces dispersed crowds of Palestinians gathered at the scene with tear gas and sound bombs. Hebrew-language news site Walla reported that a 35-year-old Israeli journalist was shot by Israeli forces with a rubber-coated steel bullet during the dispersal.
The death of the suspected attacker brings the total number of Palestinians killed since Oct. 1 to 17. Four Israelis, including two settlers, have been killed in the same time period.
Since yesterday morning, seven Palestinians were killed during and after demonstrations in Gaza, Muhammad al-Jaabari, 19, was shot after allegedly stabbing an Israeli border policeman in a Hebron settlement, and Ahmad Salah, 24, was killed during clashes in Shufat.
While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to take measures to prevent further attacks and escalation across Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory, critics say the measures protect Israelis while leaving Palestinians unprotected targets of attacks by Israelis and security forces.
Amnesty International on Friday accused Israel of using "possible extrajudicial executions" against Palestinians in recent weeks as well as "excessive force on a massive scale," including "extensive use of live ammunition against people who were not posing an imminent threat of death or serious injury."
Recent video footage of two suspected attackers shot dead by Israeli forces show the Palestinian suspects posing little to no threat.
Palestinian Fadi Alloun, 19, was shot dead by Israeli forces after an alleged stabbing attack on Saturday, although a video of his death showed he posed no threat at the time and was running away from a group of Israelis.
On Friday, a Palestinian woman was shot and injured after an alleged stabbing attempt in Afula, but video footage of the incident shows that the woman posed no threat when she was shot.
Reports from Israeli army and police spokespersons following alleged attacks often say the suspected attackers are "neutralized," meaning they have been shot dead or critically injured.
Meanwhile an Israeli teenager who stabbed and injured four Palestinian workers in Dimona in southern Israel on Friday was arrested by Israeli authorities without injury.

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