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21,688 red light violations recorded last year

Abu Dhabi: Around 21,688 red light violations were recorded last year by infrared cameras at traffic signals across the capital last year, the Abu Dhabi Police revealed today (Wednesday).
Therefore, drivers are urged to reduce speed when approaching traffic lights and intersections. Motorists are also being warned against increasing speed when traffic lights change from green to amber, as doing so can cause serious traffic accidents that result in deaths and severe injuries.
Brigadier Khalifa Mohammad Al Khaili, Head of Traffic and Road Safety Engineering Department at the Traffic and Patrols Directorate of Abu Dhabi Police, said: “Jumping a red light carries a fine of Dh800, a penalty of eight black points, and vehicle confiscation for a period of 15 days (or an alternative being Dh100 per day to avoid the seizure).”
Brig Al Khaili stressed that traffic surveillance was intensified through the cameras that are currently mounted at 50 intersections across Abu Dhabi to detect violating vehicles. “The new high-quality cameras use an infrared light without a flash and include infrared licence plate readers. They are multi-functional and monitor more than five lanes in each direction at the same time,” he added.
The official pointed out that the cameras can detect vehicles that run red lights and fail to abide by lane rules. They can also record vehicles that stop at pedestrian zones and violate speed limits. Any other violations related to taking wrong turns, overtaking and U-turns can also be recorded by the devices.
Last year witnessed a decline in the number of accidents caused by the illegal running of red lights with 152 incidents recorded in comparison to 233 in 2013. “The directorate continues to install infrared cameras at a large number of intersections in Al Ain and Abu Dhabi. The new cameras’ locations have been determined according to traffic accidents and violation indicators, and based on traffic density,” he explained.
Brig Al Khaili lauded the efficiency of these surveillance cameras mounted at intersections, which can scan licence plates of all passing vehicles, determine the numbers and types of passing vehicles, estimate the average speed, and record the number and direction of pedestrians while traffic signals turn from green to red.


  • Tên tài khoản: Nguyễn Anh Tuấn
  • Số tài khoản: 0501000058467
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