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7 key UAE initiatives outlined

Shaikh Mohammad applauds during the presentation of the Dh1 million award in the university student category to University of Jazeera for its mobile application to distribute fortified food in the social affairs sector, at the Government Summit in Dubai on February 11, 2015.
Dubai: The third Government Summit ended in Dubai on Wednesday with the launch of new innovation initiatives for UAE schools and a multimillion-dirham award ceremony for best mobile government services.
His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, congratulated the participants, praising the event as the “summit of innovation, prosperity and success”.
Shaikh Mohammad awarded UAE, regional and international winners of the Best m-Government Services Award at the closing ceremony on Wednesday.
“This is the summit of success, the success of people who always move forward and do not know failure… It is where my brother [General Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces] spoke,” he said.
Earlier in the day, announced Shaikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister of UAE and Minister of Presidential Affairs, announced that the UAE federal government is launching seven educational initiatives in schools and universities with the aim of promoting innovation.
He also announced the launch of a new government post, "Chief Executive Officer of Innovation", which will be set up in every government agency this year, to meet the directives of President His Highness Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan directives, who announced 2015 as the year of innovation.

Source : Gulf News


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