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Assad says Syria informed about US strikes against ISIL

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said third parties, including Iraq, were conveying information to Damascus about a US-led campaign of air strikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group in his country. 

In an interview with the BBC, broadcast on Tuesday, Assad said there was no direct cooperation with the US, whose air force has been bombing ISIL in Syria since September.
Asked if there was indirect cooperation, he said: "That's true, through third parties, more than one party, Iraq and other countries, sometimes they convey message[s], general message[s], but there is nothing tactical".
Assad said the Syrian government had known about the US-led campaign before it started but did not have details.
Asked if there was ongoing dialogue via third parties, he said: "There is no dialogue. There is, let's say, information, but not dialogue".


  • Tên tài khoản: Nguyễn Anh Tuấn
  • Số tài khoản: 0501000058467
  • Ngân hàng TMCP Ngoại thương Việt Nam (Vietcombank) - Chi nhánh Bắc Sài Gòn
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